Literature & Material

'Real socialist' planned economy

· [en, article] Allen, R. C. (1998). Capital accumulation, the soft budget constraint and Soviet industrialisation. European Review of Economic History, 2(1), 1-24.

· [en, book] Allen, Robert (2003): Farm to factory: A reinterpretation of the Soviet industrial revolution, Princeton University Press

· [en, book] Ellman, Michael (2014): Socialist Planning, Cambridge University Press.

· [en, book] Nove, Alec (1992): An Economic History of the USSR: 1917-1991, Penguin Books.

Criticism of market socialism

· [en, article] Elson, Diane (1988): Market socialism or socialization of the market? New Left Review.

· [en, book] Miller, David (1989): Market, State, and Community: Theoretical Foundations of Market Socialism. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

· [en, book] Nove, Alec (1983): The Economics of Feasible Socialism, HarperCollins.


· [en, book] Cockshott, Paul, Allin Cottrell (1993), Towards a New Socialism, Nottingham.

· [en, article] Devine, Pat (2002). Participatory planning through negotiated coordination. Science & Society, 66(1), 72-85.

· [en, book] Hahnel, Robin (2013): Economic justice and democracy: From competition to cooperation. Routledge.

· [en, book] Laibman, David (2012), Political Economy after Economics, London/New York.

· [en, book] Saros (2014): Information Technology and Socialist Construction, S. 173-187

· [en, book] Vettese, Troy, & Pendergrass, Drew (2022): Half-Earth Socialism: A Plan to Save the Future from Extinction, Climate Change and Pandemics, Verso Books.

Planning and Ecology

· [en, book] Cockshott, W. P., Cottrell, A., & Dapprich, J. P. (2022). Economic planning in an age of climate crisis.

· [en, article] Durand, Cédric, Elena Hofferberth, and Matthias Schmelzer: Planning beyond growth. The case for economic democracy within limits,

· [en, article] Planning for Entropy (2022): Democratic economic planning, social metabolism and the environment, Science & Society 86.2, S. 291-313.[dt, book]

· [en, podcast] Kohei Saito on Degrowth Communism | Future Histories S02E55

· [en, book] Vettese, Troy, & Pendergrass, Drew (2022): Half-Earth Socialism: A Plan to Save the Future from Extinction, Climate Change and Pandemics, Verso Books.

o A 'Half Earth' Plan To Save The Planet | Drew Pendergrass & Troy Vettese | TMR [en, 31’]



· [en, article] Chowdhury, Savvina (2022): The organisation of social reproduction in a postcapitalist participatory economy,

· [en, book] Piercy, Marge (2016): Woman on the Edge of Time: The classic feminist dystopian novel. Random House.

· [en, article] Quick, Paddy (2022): Household Production, Household Activity, and Human Development. Science & Society 86 (2): 248–68

· [en, book] Ghodsee, Kristen (2018): Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism and other arguments for economic independence, Nation Books.


· [en, book] Adler, Paul (2019): The 99 Percent Economy: How Democratic Socialism Can Overcome the Crises of Capitalism, Oxford University Press.

· [en, article] Benanav, A. (2022). Socialist investment, dynamic planning, and the politics of human need. Rethinking Marxism, 34(2), 193-204.

· [en, book] Phillips, Leigh, and Michal Rozworski (2018): The people's republic of walmart: How the world's biggest corporations are laying the foundation for socialism, Verso Books.

· [en, article] Prilleltensky, Isaac (2012): Wellness as fairness. American journal of community psychology, 49, 1-21.

· [en, Video] Sutterlütti, Simon (2023): Who does the unpleasant work in communism? - Productive Needs and the Danger of Rewards, Who collects the garbage in communism? - Unpleasant Work, Productive Needs and the Danger of Rewards

[en, book] LeGuin, Ursula K. (1974): The Dispossessed, Harper & Row.